Health and Well-being
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AoLE Staff Members: Mrs C Davies (Progression Step 2), Miss E McElmeel (Progression Step 3), Miss E Braid (Staff Well-being)
At Mountain Lane we follow the Jigsaw PSHE scheme from Nursery to Year 6. Jigsaw aims to deliver a programme which teaches and develops childrens emotional literacy, social- and lifelong skills, RSE and resilience in an age-appropriate manner. The document below outlines what will be covered through Jigsaw across the whole of Mountain Lane throughout the year:
Five Ways to Wellbeing
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The Five Ways to Wellbeing are five simple things that we can do in our daily lives to give our well-being a boost. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are a set of evidence-based messages aimed at improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole population. The Five Ways to Wellbeing are:
Take Notice, Keep Learning, Give, Be Active and Connect.
At Mountain Lane we encourage pupils, parents and staff to follow the Five Ways to Wellbeing and each term hold a 'Dydd Gwener Gwych' day, where each class focuses on developing their awareness of the importance of Health and Well-being by completing various activties.
To find out more about the Five Ways to Wellbeing please visit:
Pupil Well-being information
The Reading Agency have developed a programme called ‘Reading Well for Children’ which recommends reading in order to help understand feelings and cope with difficult times. There is an information leaflet and booklist below which has book recommendations that have been chosen by children, carers, health experts and librarians.
Many of the books recommended are available to borrow from the library or can be downloaded as e-books or audio books via the e-lending service.
There are many resources online to support the well-being and safety of children e.g mindfulness activities, ideas for calming down and tips for parents regarding online safety. You may find some of the following links useful:
Healthy Schools
Mountain Lane is part of the Flintshire Healthy School Scheme and in June 2015, we achieved the National Quality Award (NQA) for Healthy Schools. We encourage pupils to follow a healthy, balanced diet. Please find below some information leaflets for healthy snack and lunchboxes.
Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Please find below an information leaflet by Welsh Government with information on the RSE code along with our information leaflet for parents. You will also find a copy of our RSE policy below.