

The Governing Body is totally committed to the success of the school and is always involved in the decision making process with regards to new appointments, school budget, health and safety and all curricular issues.

The Governing Body has been sub-divided into 3 groups – Finance & Resources, Leadership & Management and Learning Sub-committees. The committees meet regularly and minutes are presented at a full Governors’ Meeting, which are held at least once a term.  At a full Governors’ Meeting the Headteacher presents her termly report and informs the Governors of the work undertaken by the school and of any new initiatives that the school has been involved in. Each Governor is also allocated a place on one of 4 Appointment Panels.  Minutes of the Governors’ Meetings are available for our parents on request.
Members of the Governing Body
Mrs Y Tomkinson - Headteacher
Mrs K Williams - (Chair)  - Parent Governor
Mr D Platten (Vice Chair) - LEA
Mrs H Atkinson - LEA
Mrs M McMahon - LEA
Mrs R Stewart - LEA
Mrs J Jones - Additional Community
Vacancy - Community
Mr A Massey - Community
Cllr J Hutchinson - Community
Mr S Griffiths - Community
Mr C Davies - Parent Governor 
Miss G Higgins - Parent Governor 
Mrs L Owen - Parent Governor
Mrs K Whormsley - Parent Governor
Miss E McElmeel - Teacher Governor
Miss S Turley - Teacher Governor
Mrs K Hollis - Staff (Non Teaching Governor)
Mrs R Davies - Clerk

Lead Governors

School Council                                                                              -    

Leadership                                                                                    -     Mr D Platten

Safeguarding                                                                                -   Mrs Y Tomkinson & Mrs K Williams

Language, Literacy & Communication                                       -     Mrs R Stewart & Mrs M McMahon

Mathematics & Numeracy                                                           -     Mrs L Owen

Science & Technology                                                                  -     Mrs K Whormsley

Digital Competency                                                                      -     Mr S Griffiths

Cymraeg / Welsh                                                                         -      Mr M Owen

Well-being                                                                                     -      Cllr J Hutchinson

Humanities                                                                                    -      Fthr N kelly

Expressive Arts                                                                              -     Cllr J Jones



The Governing Body is totally committed to the success of the school and is always involved in the decision making process with regards to new appointments, school budget, health and safety and all curricular issues.

The Governing Body has been sub-divided into 3 groups – Finance & Resources, Leadership & Management and Learning Sub-committees. The committees meet regularly and minutes are presented at a full Governors’ Meeting, which are held at least once a term.  At a full Governors’ Meeting the Headteacher presents her termly report and informs the Governors of the work undertaken by the school and of any new initiatives that the school has been involved in. Each Governor is also allocated a place on one of 4 Appointment Panels.  Minutes of the Governors’ Meetings are available for our parents on request.
Members of the Governing Body
Mrs Y Tomkinson - Headteacher
Mrs K Williams - (Chair)  - Parent Governor
Mr D Platten (Vice Chair) - LEA
Mrs H Atkinson - LEA
Mrs M McMahon - LEA
Mrs R Stewart - LEA
Mrs J Jones - Additional Community
Vacancy - Community
Mr A Massey - Community
Cllr J Hutchinson - Community
Mr S Griffiths - Community
Mr C Davies - Parent Governor 
Miss G Higgins - Parent Governor 
Mrs L Owen - Parent Governor
Mrs K Whormsley - Parent Governor
Miss E McElmeel - Teacher Governor
Miss S Turley - Teacher Governor
Mrs K Hollis - Staff (Non Teaching Governor)
Mrs R Davies - Clerk

Lead Governors

School Council                                                                              -    

Leadership                                                                                    -     Mr D Platten

Safeguarding                                                                                -   Mrs Y Tomkinson & Mrs K Williams

Language, Literacy & Communication                                       -     Mrs R Stewart & Mrs M McMahon

Mathematics & Numeracy                                                           -     Mrs L Owen

Science & Technology                                                                  -     Mrs K Whormsley

Digital Competency                                                                      -     Mr S Griffiths

Cymraeg / Welsh                                                                         -      Mr M Owen

Well-being                                                                                     -      Cllr J Hutchinson

Humanities                                                                                    -      Fthr N kelly

Expressive Arts                                                                              -     Cllr J Jones



The Governing Body is totally committed to the success of the school and is always involved in the decision making process with regards to new appointments, school budget, health and safety and all curricular issues.

The Governing Body has been sub-divided into 3 groups – Finance & Resources, Leadership & Management and Learning Sub-committees. The committees meet regularly and minutes are presented at a full Governors’ Meeting, which are held at least once a term.  At a full Governors’ Meeting the Headteacher presents her termly report and informs the Governors of the work undertaken by the school and of any new initiatives that the school has been involved in. Each Governor is also allocated a place on one of 4 Appointment Panels.  Minutes of the Governors’ Meetings are available for our parents on request.
Members of the Governing Body
Mrs Y Tomkinson - Headteacher
Mrs K Williams - (Chair)  - Parent Governor
Mr D Platten (Vice Chair) - LEA
Mrs H Atkinson - LEA
Mrs M McMahon - LEA
Mrs R Stewart - LEA
Mrs J Jones - Additional Community
Vacancy - Community
Mr A Massey - Community
Cllr J Hutchinson - Community
Mr S Griffiths - Community
Mr C Davies - Parent Governor 
Miss G Higgins - Parent Governor 
Mrs L Owen - Parent Governor
Mrs K Whormsley - Parent Governor
Miss E McElmeel - Teacher Governor
Miss S Turley - Teacher Governor
Mrs K Hollis - Staff (Non Teaching Governor)
Mrs R Davies - Clerk

Lead Governors

School Council                                                                              -    

Leadership                                                                                    -     Mr D Platten

Safeguarding                                                                                -   Mrs Y Tomkinson & Mrs K Williams

Language, Literacy & Communication                                       -     Mrs R Stewart & Mrs M McMahon

Mathematics & Numeracy                                                           -     Mrs L Owen

Science & Technology                                                                  -     Mrs K Whormsley

Digital Competency                                                                      -     Mr S Griffiths

Cymraeg / Welsh                                                                         -      Mr M Owen

Well-being                                                                                     -      Cllr J Hutchinson

Humanities                                                                                    -      Fthr N kelly

Expressive Arts                                                                              -     Cllr J Jones
