
Our Topics

Autumn Term: Frozen Kingdoms

In the Autumn Term, we focus on the topic Frozen Kingdoms. We will study Shackleton's journey and learn all about his incredible adventures in Antarctica. The children will create a biography detailing Shackleton's life and achievements. This term, we will read The Last Bear by Hannah Gold and embark on a magical trip to the Arctic with April and Bear. We will also explore Inuit culture and have the opportunity to try throat singing. In our art lessons, we will investigate the works of George Marston and Frances Hatch, both artists from Antarctica, even though they lived 100 years apart. In science, we will create a sail suitable for Shackleton's boat by exploring the most effective shape and size. In our PE lessons, we will focus on football and netball.

Spring Term: Fighting for Freedom

Our Spring Term topic is titled Fighting for Freedom. During this topic, we take a step back in time to World War II, exploring the outbreak of war, its causes, and the Allies and Axis powers. The children will learn popular World War II songs and examine how rationing affected the lives of everyone. This term, we will read the brilliant Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. The children will conduct a fair test to explore which material was best for use during a blackout and whether the size or height of a bomb caused more casualties. They will experience what it was like living in the Blitz before writing a descriptive piece. In our PE lessons this term, the children will focus on dance and cross country.

Summer Term: Change

This topic is centred around change—both in the children's lives and in how Wales, the UK, and the world have transformed over the years. This topic truly gives the children a sense of Cynfyn. Throughout the summer term, we will cover mini topics including migration and refugees, the BLM movement, Pride, the transition to high school, and RSE. This topic encourages the children to become ethically informed citizens as they prepare to move on to their next chapter.
