Autumn Term Topic: Taith Hydolus (Magical Mystery Tour)
This term Paddington has paid us a visit and asked us for help on his journey across the UK. We will be 'virtually' visiting England (London), Wales (Cardiff), Scotland (Edninburgh) and Northern Ireland (Belfast) helping Paddingto to learn all about the countries of the UK. In Science we will be helping Paddington investigate the best materail to use for a new coat, as he keeps getting wet on his travels!
Spring Term Topic: Amser Maith yn ol... (A long time ago...)
This term we will be learning all about the time of the Dinosaurs and The Stone Age.
Summer Term: Byd Yr Anifeiliad (The World of Animals)
This term we are travelling all across the globe to learn about the wonderful animals that roam the lands. We will be looking into the various animal classifcations, habitats, food chains and adaptations.