Our Topics
Autumn Term: Mor Hyfryd Yw’r Byd (Wonderful World)
In the Autumn Term, we focus on the topic Mor Hyfryd Yw’r Byd. We will study the many wonders of the world, looking at the Ancient, Natural and Modern Wonders before focusing in on the many wonderful sites in the UK, Cymru and Flintshire. The children will create persuasive advertisements and take part in a Mantle of the Expert activity where they will ‘work’ with Flintshire County Council to promote the many incredible things our local area has to offer. This term, we will read The Wild Robot by Peter Brown and Holes by Louis Sachar, using these texts to develop our reading skills as a whole class. In our Expressive Art lessons, we will use a variety of media to create pictures of the Aurora Borealis (a natural Wonder of the World) and write our own versions of the song ‘What a Wonderful World’ made famous by Louis Armstrong. In Science, we will learn about the rocks, soils and minerals that make up our world and investigate growing crystals. In our PE lessons, we will focus on rugby and hockey. We will also be going swimming.
Spring Term: Kings, Queens and the Welsh Princes
Our Spring Term topic is titled Kings, Queens and the Welsh Princes. During this topic, we take a step back in time to the beginnings of the British monarchy and learn how the United Kingdom was created. The children will learn about who ruled Cymru and how the English monarchy affected the country we live in today. This term, we will read Paint! By Angharad Tomos and learn about the Investiture in Caernarfon Castle in 1969. The children will develop their enquiry skills through asking and answering Big Questions linked to our topic such as, ‘Was Henry VII a Welsh King?’ They will create their own kingdoms using Minecraft and look at how artists have represented the monarchy throughout history, focusing on the portraits painted by artist such as Hans Holbein and Thomas Gainsborough. In our PE lessons this term, the children will focus on gymnastics, dance and cross country.
Summer Term: Tyfu
Our final topic in Blwyddyn 5 is Tyfu (Growing). During this topic we focus on: the human body, it’s organs, organs systems and how we can live a healthy life. It links brilliantly with our RSE topic on the changes our bodies go through as we grow. As part of this topic we will read ‘Pig Heart Boy’ by the celebrated author Malorie Blackman. Reading this text allows us to explore a range of moral and ethical questions. In Science we will carry out investigations looking at how our bodies respond to different types of exercise and whether the way someone looks gives them an advantage in sport. In Expressive Arts we will study the anatomical sketches of Leonardo da Vinci and improve our drawing techniques by practising drawing still life objects. In our PE lessons the focus will be athletics and rounders.