
Our Topics!


Autumn Term: Fy Milltir Sgwar

During the Autumn term, the children will contribute to the planning of activities and will driven their own learning through independent research tasks. They will become familiar with their local area through numerous activities and exploration to create a sense of belonging, which includes utilising the local community, ‘Cynefin’. Continuing the theme of belonging, the children will be completing work linking to our class text 'Wonder' by R. J. Palacio. This text also links to our school's core values of kindness, respect, community, grit and creativity.


Spring Term: Tudors

In the Spring term, the children will look at the Tudor period through an enquiry-based approach. They will learn about the reign of Henry VIII, the English Reformation, the Battle of Bosworth and other important historical events that took place during this era, which will be developed through a ‘Mantle of the Expert’ approach. Our text for the Spring term is 'Spy Masters' by Jan Burchett.


Summer Term: Brazil and Rainforests

At the beginning of the Summer term, the children will study the country of Brazil, linking to our whole school approach of World Weeks. In the second part of the Summer term, they will have opportunities to investigate ‘Why are trees so important for our World?’. This involves a range of scientific and expressive arts activities, which will be complemented through a study of the Amazon Rainforest. Our class text for the Summer term is 'The Great Kapok Tree' by Lynne Cherry.

Year 4 Plastic Song