Shirley Clarke - Formative Assessment Action Research Project


We have been involved in the project as a Tier 3 school since September 2019.  The aims of the project are as follows:


  1. To form a learning team of teachers as action researchers who will experiment with Formative Assessment
  2. To update teachers on recent research findings which underpin effective Formative Assessment
  3. To support teachers in reviewing and modifying existing practices and developing their professional confidence 
  4. To embed the principles of effective teaching within and across schools 
  5. To ensure good use of Formative Assessment strategies in order to raise standards



So far we have developed Growth Mindset with our pupils.  This has involved pupils in attending assemblies delivered by local High Schools and staff at Mountain Lane.  Pupils have taken part in Growth Mindset lessons and each class has a Growth Mindset display. 

Next we introduced Learning Partners.  Each week pupils are randomly paired with a pupil in their class and they work and collaborate with this partner for the whole week.  During the following week, pupils will be matched with a different partner. 


Research indicates that classroom organisation which incorporates Learning Partners provides more opportunities for speaking, listening and learning.  Pupils develop more mature working relationships and learn much more from each other; a more respectful ethos is also developed within the classroom. 

We are currently working on developing Learning Powers, these are skills and traits which enable pupils to engage effectively with different learning challenges.  The 8 Learning Powers are as follows:



Have a Go

Enjoy Learning

Don't give Up

Be curious

Be co-operative

Be imaginative 

Keep improving 


Pupils in Key Stage Two have written Learning Powers stories for our Foundation Phase pupils to introduce them to the powers.  Please see below our Learning Powers characters which were kindly designed by Mrs J Greenwood, a Teaching Assistant here in school. 



Shirley Clarke - Formative Assessment Action Research Project


We have been involved in the project as a Tier 3 school since September 2019.  The aims of the project are as follows:


  1. To form a learning team of teachers as action researchers who will experiment with Formative Assessment
  2. To update teachers on recent research findings which underpin effective Formative Assessment
  3. To support teachers in reviewing and modifying existing practices and developing their professional confidence 
  4. To embed the principles of effective teaching within and across schools 
  5. To ensure good use of Formative Assessment strategies in order to raise standards



So far we have developed Growth Mindset with our pupils.  This has involved pupils in attending assemblies delivered by local High Schools and staff at Mountain Lane.  Pupils have taken part in Growth Mindset lessons and each class has a Growth Mindset display. 

Next we introduced Learning Partners.  Each week pupils are randomly paired with a pupil in their class and they work and collaborate with this partner for the whole week.  During the following week, pupils will be matched with a different partner. 


Research indicates that classroom organisation which incorporates Learning Partners provides more opportunities for speaking, listening and learning.  Pupils develop more mature working relationships and learn much more from each other; a more respectful ethos is also developed within the classroom. 

We are currently working on developing Learning Powers, these are skills and traits which enable pupils to engage effectively with different learning challenges.  The 8 Learning Powers are as follows:



Have a Go

Enjoy Learning

Don't give Up

Be curious

Be co-operative

Be imaginative 

Keep improving 


Pupils in Key Stage Two have written Learning Powers stories for our Foundation Phase pupils to introduce them to the powers.  Please see below our Learning Powers characters which were kindly designed by Mrs J Greenwood, a Teaching Assistant here in school. 

